Saturday 6 September 2014

Popularizing fact of Solar Water Heater in India

Energy conservation is an important issue all over the world. Fossil fuels are depleting in an alarming rate. So we need to think about our future and for the next generation. Fossil fuels are non renewable sources of energy and they can’t be created anymore with any artificial process. So looking for the alternate source of energy is an important thing to consider. Solar energy is the ultimate source of energy and all of us are aware of that. Still we are lagging to use it. 

Solar Water Heater

Steps taken by Indian Government

1. Indian government is popularizing the use of the solar water heaters in all the households in the metro cities. According to the researches made by the Indian Renewable energy department there are approximately two and half million solar water heaters used in India. Moreover the municipal corporation is offering more than 2 percent rebate on the electric bills of the house owners. In the last two years it has been seen that the use of solar water heater has increased up to 15 percent. 

2. In the developing countries there are many organizations who are taking the initiatives to educate the people about the advantages of the solar energy over the fossil fuels. Many of the agencies are promoting about the solar power devices like solar generator, modules, panels, solar lightings and other devices all around the globe. So for this aspect many companies are selling environment friendly devices such as water heating solutions, solar lighting in the rural areas etc.

3. Some extra moves are being made by the manufacturers of solar powered devices. They are promoting its use and selling them at a reasonable discount. One of the greatest examples for using solar energy is given by the Maharashtra state. They planned a town which will be made in the next five years. Hat plant will serve more than 300 houses, many hospitals and two schools. It will result in stepping towards much greener world. 

4. Separate guidelines are mainly framed for making the use of solar water heater mandatory for the commercial complexes. Those who are failing to follow the norms have to pay 10 paisa extra per unit of electricity which is consumed. But already the people residing in complexes have protested against these rules. They have already requested the government to withdraw the same. So the use of solar water heater has been mandatory and it will help the people economically and also efficiently. 

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